Chihuahuan Love

Chihuahuan Love

My stop on this trip, over a hundred miles to the east [of El Paso, TX], a mere stone’s throw in Texas terms, was Dell City and the Mont Sec Vineyard nearby. This vineyard, first planted over two decades ago and now consisting of over two hundred acres of wine grapes, constitutes the largest private vineyard in Texas, but Texas wine drinkers barely know it exists…

When I saw my Dell City turnoff, I was on the high plain of the Chihuahuan Desert between the garnet Cornudas mounds on my left and the hazy cerulean slopes of the Guadalupe Mountains on my right.

Despite Mont Sec’s appeal, there are other issues to be reckoned with. Greg [Bruni of Llano Estacado Winery] said, “Out here, when it’s hot, it’s really hot. When it’s wet, the rain comes in torrents, and when the wind blows, it can sandblast the skin right off the vines.”

As he started to pour, Greg said, “This wine is from grapes that experienced my personal brand of ‘Chihuahuan love’.”

Excerpt from Chapter Four, Chihuahuan Love

Order a copy autographed by the author, Russ Kane, at:

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